HOY DÍA: 1 DE OCTUBRE HEMOS HECHO EN CLASE... 6º A INGLÉS We have reviewed the use of ‘already, just and yet’ in the present perfect and vocabulary about preparing a party and accidents , have a look at the next picture. We have done pages 19, 20 and the listening of 21 of the photocopies . SOCIAL SCIENCE We are reviewing Unit 6: Business and Money, of 5th grade. We have done a logo and advertisment for our own business. MATEMÁTICAS En clase: Expliación de los números de hasta nueve cifras. De deberes : Página 8 y 9. Ejercicios 1, 2 (solo la segunda columna) 4 y 6. LENGUA En clase: Lectura de la página 8 y 9. De deberes: Ejercicios 3,4,6,8 y 9 Link libro de 6º primaria LENGUA https://www.blogger.com/blog/post/edit/6526426615660121423/5527733461802110658# 6ºB MATEMÁTICAS En clase: Expliación de los números de hasta nueve cifras. De deberes : Página 8 y 9. Ejercicios 1, 2 (solo la segunda col...
HOY DÍA: 30 DE SEPTIEMBRE HEMOS HECHO EN CLASE... 6º A INGLÉS We have reviewed the present perfect and vocabulay about forms of entertaimen, have a look at the next picture. We have done pages 15 and 16 of the photocopies. SOCIAL SCIENCE We are reviewing Unit 6: Business and Money, of 5th grade. We are creating our own business, in order to do so, we have answered the following questions: ARTS We have begun a self portrait with masks. Look at the next video: MATEMÁTICAS Evaluación Inicial de Matemáticas 6ºB MATEMÁTICAS: Evaluación Inicial de Matemáticas INGLÉS We have reviewed the present perfect and vocabulay about forms of entertaimen, have a look at the next picture. We have done pages 15 and 16 of the photocopies. SOCIAL SCIENCE We are reviewing Unit 6: Business and Money, of 5th grade. We are creating our own business, in order to do so, we have answered the following questions: ARTS W...